Delphine YAGÜE, Director of PIC Rashi
Josef KONVITZ, General Rapporteur of the Scientific Council
Juliette DESTARAC, Associate
Clara BRANCALEONI, Associate
Agathe GUYARD, Associate
Nicolas HONORÉ, President of PIC Rashi, Deputy Mayor of Troyes, Departmental Councillor for Aube, President of Troyes La Champagne Tourisme
Gabrielle ROSNER-BLOCH, Vice-President of PIC Rashi, Regional Councillor for the Grand Est region responsible for Culture and Religious Affairs
Valéry DENIS, Vice-President of PIC Rashi, Deputy Mayor of Troyes, Departmental Councillor for Aube
A public interest consortium (PIC) is a legal entity governed by French public law. It enables public and private partners to pool resources to carry out missions of general interest, thanks to a light operating structure and flexible management that facilitate cooperation between the partners. A PIC is based on a defined geographical area.
PIC Rashi’s project is to raise European citizens’ awareness of the legacy of Rashi, who helped to shape European history. With the ‘European Heritage’ label, PIC Rashi wants to offer visitors a coherent narrative trail created around a network of 6 sites: the old Jewish quarter of Troyes, the Rashi European University and Cultural Institute , the ‘Maison Rachi‘ and the three frescoes of the ‘Rashi Trail‘ in Dampierre, Ramerupt and Lhuître.
To this end, the public interest consortium ‘Rashi – Troyes and Aube in Grand Est’ was created on 30 June 2023, in order to prepare and submit an application for the ‘European Heritage’ label for the memory of Rashi of Troyes. If the project is successful, PIC Rashi will be responsible for monitoring and promoting the label in Troyes and the Aube.
Signature of the constituent agreement of PIC Rashi on 30 June 2023
Founding members
The French State, represented by the Prefecture of Aube
The Regional Council for the Grand Est region
The Departmental Council for Aube
The City of Troyes
Active members
Scientific Council
Brigitte BEDOS-REZAK, Professor of History at New York University (United States)
Claude DE MECQUENEM, Archaeologist at INRAP – French Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (France)
Patrick DEMOUY, Professor of Medieval History at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France)
Nicolas DOHRMANN, Director of Archives and Heritage at the Aube Department (France)
Paul GRADVOHL, Professor of History at Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Vice-President of the Rashi European University and Cultural Institute (France)
René GUTMAN, Emeritus Chief Rabbi of Strasbourg (France)
Robert FOSSET, Former President of the Academic Society of Aube (France)
Warren Zev HARVEY, Professor in the Department of Jewish Thought at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Théodora JARRASSÉ-RAQUILLET, Researcher at the Grand Est Regional Heritage Inventory Service (France)
Monsignor Alexandre JOLY, Bishop of Troyes (France)
William Chester JORDAN, Professor of History at Princeton University (United States)
Anne JUSSIAUME, Director of the Campus des Comtes de Champagne (University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France)
Judith KOGEL, Director of Research at the IRHT – French Institute for Research and History of Texts (France)
David LEMLER, Senior Lecturer in Medieval Hebrew Literature and Civilisation at Sorbonne University (France)
Amy LIVINGSTONE, Dean of the School of History and Heritage at the University of Lincoln (United Kingdom)
Emmanuelle MINAULT-RICHOMME, Deputy Director of the Jacques-Chirac Media Library in charge of the Heritage Department (Troyes Champagne Métropole, France)
Marc-Alain OUAKNIN, Professor of Philosophy and Comparative Literature at Bar-Ilan University ; Founder of Targoum-IRETS – French Institute for Research and Study on the Translation of Sacred Texts (France)
Gérard RABINOVITCH, Director of teaching at the European Institute Emmanuel Levinas, Vice-President of the Rashi European University and Cultural Institute (France)
Avraham (Rami) REINER, Professor of Jewish Thought at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)
Pinchas ROTH, Professor of Medieval Jewish History and History of Halakhah at Bar-Ilan University (Israel)
Pierre SAVY, Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at the Université Gustave-Eiffel (France)
Catherine SCHMIT, Head of ‘Innovation – Subsidiaries’ at Troyes Champagne Métropole (France)
Perrine SIMON-NAHUM, Director of research at the CNRS – French Centre for Scientific Research, Series director at Éditions Odile Jacob (France)
Claire SOUSSEN, Professor of Medieval History at the University Littoral Côte d’Opale, Director of La Nouvelle Gallia Judaica (France)
Michel TAMINE, Professor of General Linguistics and Phonetics at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, President of the French Onomastics Society (France)
Susanne URBAN, Dean of Research and Information on Antisemitism at the University of Marburg, President of Moreshet (Germany)
Luis YAGÜE, Researcher in Semitic Philology at the Complutense University of Madrid (France)